Continuing Education

Reviewing Organizations

CompTIA Logo  GIAC Logo  CertNCertNexusexus

You can find the most up to date list of approved CE sessions here. 

AFCEA’s Continuing Education (CE) program is designed to support certifications related to U.S. Federal Government requirements. Several event sessions will be reviewed by CompTIA, GIAC, and CertNexus to determine if the sessions meet continuing education requirements for certification maintenance

Formal attendance documentation is a benefit for AFCEA members and those who purchase a continuing education pass when that is an option. Participation in the entire session qualifying for CompTIA CEUs, GIAC CPEs, and/or CertNexus CECs is required. If you are a member be sure register for the event as a member so you will be eligible for formal attendance documentation for applicable sessions, you attend. On exiting the session, get your event badge scanned so that we can document your attendance. We only document your attendance if you get your badge scanned at the close of the session.

For info about AFCEA’s continuing education program please check the frequently asked questions.